Group 57

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Group 24


Personal loans are loans advanced by financial institutions but usually don’t have any kind of asset or security involved and can be used for various purposes like a holiday, furniture, debt consolidation, etc. This style of finance is a loan that usually has a term of 5 to 7 years and can come in variable and fixed options with principal and interest style repayments, meaning that it is paid out in full by the end of the term.

Group 25


Asset finance refers to loans advanced by financial institutions for the purchase of assets such as cars, motor bikes, boats, machinery, etc. This style of finance is a loan that usually has a term of 5 to 7 years and can come in variable and fixed options with principal and interest style repayments, meaning that it is paid out in full by the end of the term.

Group 26


Owner occupied home loans are loans advanced to you by a financial institution to obtain a property with the purpose of living in. Typically with a 25 or 30 year term, with regular repayment amounts fortnightly or monthly that are designed to pay off the loan over the contracted term. They come in variable or fixed type options (or even a combination of the two) depending on your lending needs.

Group 27


Investment loans are loans advanced to you by a financial institution to fund the purchase of a property used for investment purpose. This style of loan still has a 25 to 30 year loan term and can come in variable and fixed but is usually applied for as interest only where the financial institution only requires the interest on the loan to be paid and not the principal or loan amount, which is a sought after option for clients as it allows them to take advantage of taxation benefits.

Group 28


Commercial lending is the broadest of all the lending types but generally involves financial institutions lending money for the purchase of commercial real estate like offices, mechanics shops, developments like apartment blocks or units, etc. This style of loan comes in both variable and fixed options but is usually applied for as interest only where the financial institution only requires the interest on the loan to be paid and not the principal or loan amount, which allows clients to take advantage of taxation benefits.